Sunday, November 29, 2009

A.I.M. said...

1. Regarding the 'survery' (sic) might we know which independent body administered it? What the research questions entailed? How the data was analysed and who the subjects (age group, gender, etc) were? I take serious issue with the assertion that English is not the main language of 73% of the students and I want Mr McGlade to provide the evidence. In fact, I'll volunteer my services free of charge, as part of my MSc in TESOL dissertation to determine the validity of his claim. 2. Of the alleged 73% might we know the percentage who did well, or not? Is it a case that the responsibility for those who didn't do well lays with 'many factors', while those who did do well, again no mention of numbers just an amorphous 'many', demonstrate how well the school is doing? That simply comes across as special pleading. 3. The whole premise of Mc Glade's 'correction' is that the children who did not do well do not have English as a first language. Again talk of a 'survery'(sic) means nothing in the absence of tangible evidence to back up the claim. This requires an independent unbiased source. 4. While McGlade didn't use the word many, the absence of it and the general statement issued in the MetroEireann that those opposed to him are 'hardliners' with 'extreme interpretation' is nothing short of scaremongering and diversionary. If Muslim parents don't want a non-Muslim principal then that is their prerogative and is supported by the state in terms of maintaining a school ethos. Quite frankly how an individual who so readily dishes out extreme labels could be seen to uphold any such ethos is questionable. There are Muslim professionals in Ireland, far more qualified and experienced in the educational arena than Mr McGlade who could take up his position.

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